EP: 60 Alcohol's Toll on Women: Exploring Its Effect on Anxiety and Brain Health with Sarah Rusbatch

Join me as I discuss the world of alcohol use disorder among women with the fabulous Sarah Rusbatch. Sarah, a certified Health and Wellbeing Coach, Grey Area Drinking Coach, and all-around motivational speaker, is on a mission to help women transform their relationship with alcohol. Together, we uncover the shocking truth behind the 80% surge in alcohol dependency among women over the last three decades, breaking down the web of factors that are driving this trend, from the relentless pressures of modern life to the seductive marketing of alcohol as a quick fix for stress and overwhelm.

Drawing from her own journey, Sarah shares incredible insights into the brain science behind alcoholā€™s effects on women, touching on specific diseases like cancer, Dementia and Alzheimerā€™s. Her discoveries have even served as inspiration for her latest book Beyond Booze, where she proves that alcohol is anything but self-care. So many truth bombs were dropped in this chat and I know you will love hearing Sarah as she offers up all the facts. Tune in now to listen!

Get in touch with Sarah!
Website | Instagram
Check out her latest book Beyond Booze

Thanks to Giesen 0% Wines for sponsoring this podcast episode.Ā 

Connect with Deb: @Mocktail.Mom